But not at the expense of my physical or mental health. Getting regular raises for contributing to the everyday work of a company is appreciation, and I gladly continue to the company if I feel valued.

Even if I only do the menial work those go-getters deem not worth their time. Mutual advantage to me is exactly that, even if I know someone else is smarter than me and can produce more quality work than me, the fact that I still contribute to the team success should mean I also get regular raises. > People are different, we have diverse motivations and personalities, and we have to find ways to use this diversity to our mutual advantage, instead of trying saying that some of those are right and some are wrong. I'm not saying you do that, and I'm not saying I believe that, because: Why should I contribute to a team if person A tries to "win teamwork". I strongly disagree, constant competition and a desire to be the best/most payed in a team dissolves cooperation. We make it easy for you to help keep Oregon beautiful, give new life to your redeemable beverage containers, and put your redemption funds to work! Our system remains one of the most effective in the nation, helping redeem and recycle nearly two billion containers each year.> I find this worldview to be very detrimental to teamwork. Additionally, you can save for education by linking your BottleDrop account to an Oregon College Savings Plan account. Once you’ve returned your containers, you can get the refund value as cash or store credit at participating retailers through BottleDrop Plus, which offers 20% more refund value. We also work with Oregon nonprofits who can engage their supporters and supercharge their fundraising through our Blue Bag program. With the ease and convenience of the Green Bag Program, you can drop full bags of containers for redemption at a Redemption Center or participating grocery store with a bag drop location.

Through BottleDrop, you can immediately redeem your containers through self-serve machines and hand counts at any of our 25 full-service Redemption Centers. We make it easy to return containers and receive the refund value by providing convenient return options. In Oregon, we help keep public spaces litter free by providing the $0.10 refund value for qualifying beverage containers.